So we officially are 3 weeks away from "The Big Day" and I should tell you that things are starting to get a little crazy. I know that Ryan and I are huge planners, but even with all the planning in the world I have realized that ALL weddings are crazy! With that said let me explain a little of our craziness:
1) We were going to have a few family members make the wedding cake and groom's cake, but it was brought to our attention that it might be a little to much pressure to put on people you love (and are related to) so we decided that we needed to find a bakery to make our cake. This might not be a big deal had we decided this a few months ago, but when you change things within a month of the wedding date they are a little difficult and expensive! Luckily Ryan found the perfect Bakery to make the cake. Thank you God!!!
2) I do not have a stressful job, except for about two weeks a year when it is Budget time. Well, you guessed it! The last two weeks have been budget time, I feel so bad for Ryan. I haven't spent any time with him, and when I am with him I just want to leave and go to bed. I can not tell you the relief I felt today leaving the office knowing that I don't have to suffer thru that again until next year.
3) The closer you get to the wedding the more you start to think of all of the little things that you have forgot. Make a list of all of the pictures you want captured, Get Bridal Portraits, Pick one of the 300 pictures to forever be your "Bridal Portrait" (so difficult), and the list goes on and on.
Needless to say I love Ryan very much, but I am ready for September 12th so that we can start our lives together. =)