This past weekend started off great going out to dinner with Nonni and Poppa at Johnny Corino's. This was a nice treat because Reece was actually very good for us. Up until the past few weeks Reece would just sleep every time we would go out to eat... but that has ended. She has now decided that she wants to be the center of attention any time we go out to dinner. Well, this time she slept a little, but also just ate her carrots like a big girl!
Then on Saturday Ryan and I took both of the dogs to the groomers to get them washed and trimmed. We got a call about 5 minutes after we left letting us know that they thought Beaux was going to have a heart attack if we left him there. Needless to say he was a little scared! We went and picked him up, and I am going to have to groom him myself.
On Sunday after church we stopped by GiGi and Uncle Chrispy's house to hang out and ride in the Barbi Car! Thankfully no one got a picture of me squeezing myself into the car with Ella... But I was able to sneak a picture of Ashley cruising down the street!
Lastly the last event of the weekend was a graduation party for a friend of ours named Adam. Adam used to be one of the youth in Ryan's youth group a few years ago, and his dad was a pastor at that church. It was so much fun the Celebrate Adam, and Reece loved playing with her buddy James. James is the son of some friends that have known Ryan for a very long time!
Finally after all that activity Reece and Ryan were pooped! I guess it is time to go back to work to get a little rest...