So, our second Easter with Reece was a blast. It was our first time to visit the Altman lake house, which has been a 2 year process, but we are so excited to start making memories with Papa A, B.B., the Ledezma's and the Petersen's. We drove up to Corsicana on Thursday, met up with Papa A to see the storage units being loaded up with all the furniture and boxes that were in them. After they were loaded in the truck, we drove on to the new Altman lake house. The drive in was one that was exciting because we knew that this will become a hideaway that all of us will get to use to make lasting family memories. After everything was unloaded, we headed to Irving to spend the night. Reece was exhausted from the trip, Alisha was very tired, and I was ready to crash and burn. The next few days were days of unpacking, moving furniture, organizing and enjoying the company of everyone there. Reece and Abigail had a blast running around the house and walking around the pool over and over and over and over. I was very tired of doing this, but, it is the little things that make Reece happy, so I sacrificed for her. The girls also were very eager to be 'BIG' girls, like sitting at the bar in their own bar stools. They even tried to be independent and climb the stairs, but we were quick on the draw to catch them. They had a blast playing and climbing and running, that by the end of the weekend, everyone knew they were both going to crash and burn before long.
Look at these independent women, I mean sweet girls. |
What?!? You got me. |
Easter Baskets and Beautiful Babies. |
It looks as though the Easter Bunny made a special appearance. |
Here it is Daddy!!! |
Chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate! |
Is this how you do it J.J.? |
Friday night was our last night to spend in the Irving house. For me, Ryan, I will always remember that house. It was the place that I met Anthony and Brenda for the first time. The place where we got to share our story of falling love with Anthony and Brenda. The place where I talked with Anthony about marrying his daughter. The place where we took Reece for her first trip away from home. The place where we knew we could always drop in to visit with friends and family. This was a house of love and relaxation. So, as we close the doors to that house and get to make new memories at the lake house, I will always remember. I also will remember the 5:00 am scream fest that Reece gave us the last night there too. LOL!!
So, thank you Papa A and B.B. Thank you for your love, generosity and vision to see a place where your family can make lasting memories that can and will be passed down from generation to generation. We love you both so very much, and can't wait until the next time we get to visit the Texas Hideaway.
- The Cain Crew