Friday, March 28, 2014

Avery's First Haircut

So while we were in Dallas, we decided it was time for Avery to get his first hair cut. He had these wings that kept flapping in the wind and we knew at that point it was time to cut them. So who else to give him his first hair cut than none other than Uncke Si, I mean Papa A. Let me just say that I think Papa A enjoyed the experience as much as Avery. 

Here is Papa A getting a hold of one of Avery's wings. LOL

Then, we decided we needed to get Reece a trim. Let me just say that this go round with Reece was a little more difficult than her first. 

Abby and Reece had a blast. 

Papa A and BiBi loved every minute that they had with the kiddos. 

A trip to the Zoo

We decided that a mini vacation was needed.  So, since Papa A and BiBi hadn't seen the kids since Thanksgiving, we decided to pack up and head to the lakehouse.  On our way up there, we decided, since we would be by ourselves until Friday night, to head to the Dallas Zoo.  Let me just say this, the kids LOVED every bit of it, as you can see from the pictures.  We spent the entire first part of the morning looking for the only things we really wanted to see, which are the Lions, Elephants and Giraffes.  Once we did, we were golden.
Reece loving on Avery.
"Do  you see the Tiger, Reece?"
"It's over there, Daddy!"

El-O-Pee (As Reece would call an Elephant)

Gi-Ra-Raffe!!! (As Reece used to call them)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Time with Nonni

Today Nonni took Reece out of daycare early to take her to the doctor. Reece has had a ring worm on her side for a while, and apparently mommy was putting the wrong cream on it. The good news it that Nonni got her all set, and she is feeling better already! 

After mommy and daddy got home from work we all went out to dinner at Willey's Icehouse. Reece had fun playing in the sand box while Avery hung out with Nonni. 

Thanks again Nonni! You're the greatest!!! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy ST. Patricks Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day~~ from the Cain Crew Leprechauns! We hope your day was a good Sprinkled with the "Luck of the Irish!"

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Play date with Piper

So this past weekend we Finally were able to go have a play date with Piper Hendon! Piper's parents have both been friends of mine (Alisha) for a very long time. I've been friends with her dad since 8th grade, and her mommy since college at Texas Tech. They recently moved to Houston, and we've been so busy that we have not been able to get together. So now that Ryan and I are settling into our new jobs we are looking forward to hanging out a lot more!!! 

Piper was the sweetest little snuggle bug! 

Avery was a big fan of Kendra! 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo

So this past weekend we packed up on Saturday morning, and headed to the Houston livestock show and Rodeo. The kids loved seeing all of the animals and riding on the "Little Tracktor!" Reece was all set to even take a ride on a pony... But as I was putting her on the horse she decided that was not suck a good idea... She did like the bunnies though. 

Here is Avery practicing driving the tractor so that he can help Pappa A when he gets a little older. 

Reece decided that she wanted to practice  driving as well!  

Avery was a little upset that he didn't get to go into the petting Zoo, but we assured him that he would get to go in next year.

Finally, we had to end the day with a big hot dog for Reece. Both of the kids had a blast seeing all of the animals and Reece really liked the baby pigs. We told her she needed to tell Pappa A and Bibi to get one for the Lake House! 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Sleeping Babies

As a mommy I find that some of the greatest (and easiest) times to take pictures of my sweet little ones are when they are sleeping . So I decided to share some of my favorite sleeping pictures of my babies! You will notice I don't have many of Reece, because as they get older that don't stay still long enough to fall asleep! 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weekend Fun

This past weekend we were able to have a play date with cousin Ella Faith. The kids had a great time dragging every toys out of all toy boxes and put them in a pile in the living room. 

After the play date we took a trip to the grocery store and for a about 3 minutes they loved sitting next to eachother... That didn't last very long! 

Finally, this past Friday we celebrated Texas Day. Reece looked so cute in her pink sparky leapard boots!!!  I hope everyone had as much fun as we did this weekend! 😃