Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Greystar Carnival

Every year the company that I work for Greystar has a company wide Family Picinic/Carnival. This is our first time to attend the carnival. The kids had so much fun. There was a lot of things for the kids to do. Reece loved the blowup slides. Avery loved riding the horses. He kept yelling "YeeHaw, Giddy Up!"

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Salon Saturday

This Saturday Reece went with me to the hair salon for the first time. Since I spent more Saturday's than I can count at my parents hair salons. She had so much fun, and said that she can't wait until she can get her hair put in the silver things.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015

This year on Easter we went to church on Saturday night, and so we were able to sleep in and have a slow breakfast. I have been wanting to make pancakes for the kids in the shape of bunnies. So this year for easter Reece and I finally made bunny pancakes. I think we did pretty good. We had a great breakfast outside on the patio. Happy Easter Everyone!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Playin' House

The most exciting thing happening at the Cain House was that the kids finally have there very own play house. They love being able to pretend like it is their own house. Reece says that she is the mommy, and Avery is her baby. Avery says he's the daddy. The other thing the kids love about the new house is that it means a lot more time outside!