So, as you know, I just got back from Ethiopia. While I was there I caught a cold that knocked me on my butt for a few days. I had already made plans to bake my World Famous Carrot Cake for Alisha's birthday on Wednesday, but due to my lack of energy, I didn't realize how much a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda would make a difference in a cake. As you can see, this cake did not come out right.
So, after realizing my error, I decided I needed to bake it again. We tasted the original cake and realized that, as important as a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda is, so is a cup of sugar. The cake tasted terrible!!! I know, I hardly admit to being wrong, but I was way off on this cake. So, here you go. This is the way the cake should have turned out. By the way, it is DELICIOUS!!!
Awesome job, Ryan! That is better than any cake I could ever make. What a sweet jesture!
ReplyDeleteI've tasted this cake and it is the best cake ever. It cost me a bundle but it was worth it since it was for the youth fund raiser for students.
ReplyDeleteI hope she enjoyed it!
That a boy, ry ry. You know, back in your good old days you would have made it right the first time. But, since your getting older your mind is a little more forgetful.... Its ok, you can call this young whipper snapper anytime you need help..
ReplyDeleteHey Chris1098, is this Chrispy?