Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wreck 'Em, CAIN'S!!!

So, this past weekend was our first trip to Lubbock, TX which was also the first time I got to meet the mom, and the rest of the family. Who knew it was going to be a big reunion of sorts. All cousins, aunts, uncles, parents and friends were all there. So, you would think that we would have flown to Lubbock for the weekend, but nope, we drove. We had to replace all 4 tires on the car a month ago and so decided to drive, because real life hit us and we had to use the money intended for plane tickets on tires. So, the journey began...
First stop, Dallas. That trip was ok. Just a 4 hour drive which flew by. I decided to sing along to a cd and Alisha was not feeling it. So, I mouthed the words to the songs while she read. Did I mention we had 2 dogs with us? Well, we did. Bella and Izzy. What a trip. So, we get to Dallas, and then get to spend the night with Moises and Jennifer. It was fun catching up and hanging out, and they brought over their dogs, Frodo and Ginger. All the dogs played and had fun while we talked. Then we woke up at 5 am to leave for Lubbock.
2nd stop, Lubbock. 6 hours later, we made it. The land is flat and windy. Farmland as far as you can see. There were a few things I was looking forward to when we got there. First was meeting Janice Roten. I finally got to meet her mom! The next thing I was looking forward to was... Taco Villa, and let me tell you, that place blows Taco Bell and Cabana out of the water. The third thing was getting some DayBreak Coffee. I love coffee and we got some. The last thing, which I was a little skeptical of was getting Texas Tech Gear. I got a hat and 2 shirts and Alisha got 2 new shirts. We came out looking good. Then, The Sister, decided it would be fun to take our picture in the clothes and made me do the Tech hand sign. That killed me. Well, the trade off is going to be in the next few weeks when Alisha will have to get U of H Gear and wear it and take a picture.
While we were in Lubbock, our main reason for being there was our 2nd shower. We had a blast. The whole family had a blast, all you have to do is look at some of the pictures. I kept being asked if I was going to show up at the shower or if I was getting nervous about meeting everyone, and my response to Alisha was, “I am not marrying your family. I am going to wake up next to you for the rest of my life, not them, so what is there to be scared of?” Anyway, we had a great time and thanks to everyone there who made it special for us.
Oh, I forgot to mention that we left Sunday to come back home to Houston. 9 hours is such a long drive in a car that we decided when we go back in November, we are flying. I think I am still sore. Anyway, that is my story and I am sticking to it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stuff 'Em, Lick 'Em then Send 'Em!!!!

So, we have finally sent out ALL of our invitations. What a tedious process, but once we got it down, we flew through the stuffing and licking process with no problems.

As we were starting, I decided not to lick the envelopes because, seriously it is gross. Not to mention the stories I have heard about people licking the envelopes and cutting their tongue, only to find out weeks later that they somehow got roach eggs in the cut. Then the tongue swoll up and when the doctor cut it open, they found tiny roach babies. Now, I am not sure if this is an Urban Legend or Truth. I say it is truth and have since never licked an envelope since. So, I made Alisha do it.

Anyway, during the process, we realized that we didn't have enough stamps, so I had to go to the Post Office to get more. We needed the labels, so we had to go and get those. But just having the labels makes no sense if there is nothing printed on them, so Alisha had to do that. After we got all our ducks in a row, we got all the invitations out. If we missed someone, we are sorry. We did not do it intentionally. If you did not get one, you can see it here.

Hope to see everyone there that can make it. By the way, we only have 52 days left!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shower- Take 1

A big THANK YOU goes out to Aunt Nan, Aunt Nancy, Bethany & Sharon for making our first show a hit. Ryan and I arrived to a house full of several friends and family.

The attendees included:
Brenda Altman, Jennifer Lind, Guy & Kelli Casky, Tim & Kerry McCreight, Chris & Ashley Petersen, Ron & Sharon Cain, Nannet Darby, Nancy Lawrence, Greg & Bethany Carlet, Miguel & Tiffany Maldanado, Gerard & Eugenie Bailey, Kristin Funderburg, Ashley Lucadou, Kellen Kapsar, Katie White, Greg Weisen, Scott & Natalie Holt, Lynn Updegraff, Jessie & Teresa Miller, John & Erin White!

Thank you all for coming out to help Celebrate what a gift God has given us in finding each other.

Of Course I can not forget 3 of the most lively guests at the shower... our niece and nephews. Ella Faith Petersen and Joey and Aidan Carlet. Here is a picture of Ryan, Joey, Ella and I!

PS- Only 53 days to go!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Eye Stye Something...

So this week Ryan got to see a new side of me... He was able to see the real me. Since the last post I have had a blow-out tire, and had 2 stey on the inside of my right eyelid. It has not been the prettiest version of me. It is a good thing that he loves me.

We have had a lot of the "Real Life" things hitting our plate lately like:
1) His air conditioner had to get fixed
2) My air conditioner had to get fixed
3) I had a tire blow-out and had to replace all 4 tires
4) We had to take his truck back to the shop for the air conditioner
5) I had a swollen eye, with a horrible double stey

For all of the people that felt like we have been living on a cloud out of touch with reality... Well reality has hit, and we STILL LOVE EACH OTHER!!!

In just a few days we will start what will be a month of Wedding showers... Ryan is super excited! Wish us luck!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July

This weekend was the very first Holiday that Ryan and I had the opportunity to spend together. It was so much fun, and I look for to a lifetime full! For the 4th of July we decided to have a few friends over for dinner, and then go watch the fireworks. Here are the dinner guests.

For dinner we had roast (thanks for the recipe mom). Everyone brought a dish, and we had family style supper! It was great times and great conversation. After dinner we went to the fireworks show just down the road. It was such a beautiful night to sit outside and marvel of all God has done for us -individually -as a church -as a nation! I am so Thankful and blessed. I hope everyone had a great holiday as well.