Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stuff 'Em, Lick 'Em then Send 'Em!!!!

So, we have finally sent out ALL of our invitations. What a tedious process, but once we got it down, we flew through the stuffing and licking process with no problems.

As we were starting, I decided not to lick the envelopes because, seriously it is gross. Not to mention the stories I have heard about people licking the envelopes and cutting their tongue, only to find out weeks later that they somehow got roach eggs in the cut. Then the tongue swoll up and when the doctor cut it open, they found tiny roach babies. Now, I am not sure if this is an Urban Legend or Truth. I say it is truth and have since never licked an envelope since. So, I made Alisha do it.

Anyway, during the process, we realized that we didn't have enough stamps, so I had to go to the Post Office to get more. We needed the labels, so we had to go and get those. But just having the labels makes no sense if there is nothing printed on them, so Alisha had to do that. After we got all our ducks in a row, we got all the invitations out. If we missed someone, we are sorry. We did not do it intentionally. If you did not get one, you can see it here.

Hope to see everyone there that can make it. By the way, we only have 52 days left!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new blog layout. What a nice touch, ry ry. I never knew you had such a feminine side..... Maybe that just comes with age...ya know....the getting in touch with your emotions kind of stuff. LOL!
