Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

I must start out by telling you a little story about what happened the night before Valentine's Day... If you look at the picture below you might have the same thought that Ryan and I had when we saw Reece come into the living room like this... Oh goodness Reece got into the diaper cream-------NOPE!
This is white wall paint! Yes ma'am! Once we realized what she had got into we started freaking out. Ryan grabbed Reece and scared the daylights out of her. We checked to make sure she didn't eat any, and then we stripped her down. I bathed her while Ryan worked on cleaning the mess up as much as possible.

This is what the carpet looks like after the clean-up. The good news is that we are replacing the carpet in just a few weeks! Thank God this didn't happen after we had replaced the carpet!

Reece was crying for about 30 minutes after the paint Trauma... Luckily we were able to calm her down with the present that Mimi sent her for Valentine's Day!

Nothing makes a bad day better than Chocolate!!!

This morning we woke Reece up with her present from Daddy. She was a little sleepy, but she loved it.

Here we have our little Valentine all dressing in her heart shirt for school.

I think her favorite gift though was the teddy bear from Mimi. She loved to cuddle it and give it kisses. Thanks Mimi.

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