Today Avery turned 4 months old. It is hard to believe that he has been here for only that short time. Some interesting things that he is currently doing are:
- Rolling over from front to back
- Grabbing items and moving them around
- Sitting in his bouncer and bumpo seat
- Drooling A LOT
- Being cute
- Loving life and being a great addition to the Cain Crew
What a heartbreaker he is going to be.
Look at those dimples!
And finally here is Reece wanting to get in the action. We tried getting her to hold Avery, but that didn't go as planned, but we did get this cute pic of our toddler. Hope everyone enjoys.
Much Love,
The Cain Crew
It's hard to believe that he's ONLY 4 months old!!! He's such a cutie . . . along with his big sister!!