Saturday, September 7, 2013

Chuck E. Cheese

This past weekend we had Another birthday party for Reece's 2nd birthday. We went to Chuck E.Cheese!!! This was quite an expierience! Almost all of Reece's cousins were there (we missed you Abby).  

Here is a picture of Reece and her cousins eating pizza. 

This is Avery and his friend Jack. Jack is 3 months younger than Avery and a whole lot smaller. I know these two will be great friends! 

Here is Gigi, Uncle Chris and Scarlett at the party. 


 We had a great time playing and opening her awesome gifts. We were so blessed by everyone. 

At the end of the party we were able to get some sweet pictures of the Cain cousins with Nonni and Poppa. 

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