Saturday, August 20, 2011

I Think She's Almost Ready

I am not sure if Reece will be coming today, or 2 weeks from now... All I know is that we are ready. We have the room all ready. We have the hospital bag all packed. We have our car seat and stroller ready to go. The only thing left is for God to give Reece the go ahead to make her Grand Entrance into this crazy world. The more I start thinking about how crazy this world is... The more I start to believe what my Dad has been telling me, about my belly being the safest place for Reece. Also, pregnancy is going to be the most control I will ever have over her life. He has been telling me that once she comes out I will lose a little more control every day. I guess he would know what he was talking about because he has done this a couple times...

That theory is great, but the only problem is I am a selfish and sinful person that just wants her body back. So Reece if you can hear this--- The coast is clear! Come on out!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Well, as I get closer to D-Day I can't help but ask my self... "Is she here yet?" I am really getting ready to have Little Reece come out and see Ryan and I. This Thursday we are going to the doctor to get another peek at her. I am hoping that this will give us a better idea of when to expect to see our little bundle of Joy.

I am under strict instructions from my sister Ashley (aka- GiGi) to keep Reece in my Belly until at least this next Sunday... because she is in Italy with her husbands family. Let me tell ya, I do not think that there is anything to worry about. I have a feeling this little girl is going to be as laid back as I am, and is in no hurry to get out of her cozy little cocoon...

With all that said, thank you for the many gifts we have been given & all of the love! We will keep you posted!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Well, here we sit at 5 weeks away from bringing home our little girl. Alisha has done so awesome during this pregnancy. From the stories we hear, she has not even compared to the horror stories. This I am very grateful for. Not much else I can think of other than, we will keep you all posted the closer it gets.