Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Carpet... Birthdays... & Goodbyes

This past weekend was a busy weekend. We started our Friday night by getting ready to get new carpet installed. We had to move everything out of all of the bedrooms and into the living room. Then Saturday morning we got Brand New Carpet!!! Yeah! Below you can see a few before and after pictures of the kids bedrooms.

Then after getting the house put back together we went to the "First Quarter Birthday Party." This is a celebration of all of the people in Ryan's mom's family that have a birthday in the first quarter of the year. We all get together for dinner and cake.

Then on Sunday we attended the very last church service at Ryan's parents' church "Crossroads Community Church. The church is closing their doors, and since this was where Ryan used to be a youth pastor, his mother is the church secretary and his dad is an Elder. We wanted to make sure we were there to pay our respects and be there with Ron and Sharon. Reece wasn't into listening to people talk, so her and daddy decided to color. It was a great day with friends and Family.


Friday, February 15, 2013

Reecie & Mommy's Day of Fun

Today Reece and I had a Friday-funday all to ourselves. Not that we don't love our family time when Daddy is hanging out with us, because we love that too... But we like to have our girls day every now and then.

The first thing we did was go to Target and shopped for Reece and her little brother. Then we stopped by Ryan's office to play on the computer. Then we went off to lunch with my sister AKA "Gigi" and Scarlett at Luby's. We had a blast! It was so much fun we then had to go home and take a short nap (mommy was hoping the nap would have been a little longer). Then after a little fit... it was time to wrap up our day with a little snack of Valentines Candy! What a great Mommy-Daughter Day!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

I must start out by telling you a little story about what happened the night before Valentine's Day... If you look at the picture below you might have the same thought that Ryan and I had when we saw Reece come into the living room like this... Oh goodness Reece got into the diaper cream-------NOPE!
This is white wall paint! Yes ma'am! Once we realized what she had got into we started freaking out. Ryan grabbed Reece and scared the daylights out of her. We checked to make sure she didn't eat any, and then we stripped her down. I bathed her while Ryan worked on cleaning the mess up as much as possible.

This is what the carpet looks like after the clean-up. The good news is that we are replacing the carpet in just a few weeks! Thank God this didn't happen after we had replaced the carpet!

Reece was crying for about 30 minutes after the paint Trauma... Luckily we were able to calm her down with the present that Mimi sent her for Valentine's Day!

Nothing makes a bad day better than Chocolate!!!

This morning we woke Reece up with her present from Daddy. She was a little sleepy, but she loved it.

Here we have our little Valentine all dressing in her heart shirt for school.

I think her favorite gift though was the teddy bear from Mimi. She loved to cuddle it and give it kisses. Thanks Mimi.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

3rd Trimester!

We have finally made it to the 3rd trimester!!! I can not believe how much faster this pregnancy has gone compared to when I was pregnant with Reece. I guess with less than 90 days left I need to the show on the road with getting our little man's room decorated!
Reece didn't want to miss out on a picture opportunity, so we had to take another picture with momma and Reecie!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Adventures in Parenting

So on Monday this past week we took Reece to the Doctor because she wasn't acting quite like herself, and more importantly she wasn't eating (and if you know Reece you know that Eating is her favorite thing to do). The doctor let us know that Reece had a double ear infection, a nasal infection and an eye infection. So we started on antibiotics, and have been on the mend ever since. Reece has been feeling good again since Wednesday, but her appetite did not return until this morning. We went to get breakfast at the Kolache Factory. Reece couldn't wait to eat, so she had some crackers and milk before we got there. Once we got there she had a big sausage egg and cheese kolache and chocolate milk. After breakfast we were on our way to church, and all of a sudden all of the crackers, kolache and milk came back out. Needless to say we did not make it to church. Below are a few pictures we took along the side of the road after we had cleaned Reece and the car up.
Here are the clothes we had to strip off of her in a random parking lot. Luckily we had a bag in the back of the car we could throw them into.

Here is a happy girl after the roadside cleanup.

And finally we have the drive home all relaxed... and naked...